Music in the Castle
August 2003

This page contains the results from the music tuition weekend 22nd to 24th of August in Benmore Castle, Argyll, Scotland.

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Organisation:  Lorna & Dave Dewar
The tutors: Alistair McCulloch:  Fiddle & Mixed Instruments
  Marc Duff: Whistle, Bodhran & Mixed Instruments
  Stan Graham: Songwriting

Tracks from the concert

  Title Time Downloads
1. Intro (Stan Graham) 1:19 MP3 1.3 MB
2. Benmore (Rosie Mapplebeck & Wolfgang Brüßler) 3:30 Scores 7 KB
MP3 3.2 MB
3. Fiddle class: The Ass and the Graveyard & Kalabakan 3:39 MP3 3.4 MB
4. Missing You (Ian Simpson) 4:27 Scores 8 KB
MP3 4.1 MB
5. Whistle class: Skye Air - A'cheud luan do'n raidh & To Daunt On Me & Terry 'cuz' Teehans 4:13 MP3 3.9 MB
6. It’s Up to You (Alison Duncan) 2:59 Scores 7 KB
MP3 2.7 MB
7. Fiddle class: The New Year’s Day Waltz 3:50 MP3 3.6 MB
8. Simple Voice (Judith Simpson & Mark Graham) 3:29 Scores 7 KB
MP3 3.0 MB
9. Whistle & mixed instruments class: The Shoreline of Lewis & Leaving Eriskay & Roderick MacDonald 5:39 MP3 5.7 MB
10. Ring of Stories (Michelle Evans & Jan Neuhaus) 3:45 Scores 7 KB
MP3 3.5 MB
11. Credits (Stan Graham, Lorna & Dave Dewar) 6:44 MP3 6.4 MB

Design & Implementation Jan Neuhaus