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This page contains some audible exerpts from Easter Music in the Castle Festival 6th to 9th of April 2007 in Benmore Castle, Argyll, Scotland. If You have recordings that should be added, please send them to me. The recordings have been resampled to make them smaller. All data can be requested as uncompressed WAV files. Sorry, the files are only downloadable if You are a registered user of this site!
Listen to excerpts from the sessions...If I have misspelled titles or names please bear with me and send me corrections via eMail! Sorry, no recordings available! |
For booking or further information contact: Lorna and Dave Dewar
Ardbeg House, 1 Shore Road, Kilmun, Argyll, Scotland, PA23 8SE
Tel / fax: +44 (0)1369 840404
eMail: dave@cultural-connections.co.uk
Web site: http://www.cultural-connections.co.uk